Village Vancouver Newsletter
June 2015
Usher in the Summer with Village!
Our Demo Sustainable Village at Main Street Car Free Day, 100 in 1 Day interventions, the Mt. Pleasant Seed Library Launch, Volunteer Sunday, the Aberthau Garden Project, Seed sharing and gardening advice in Burnaby, Neighourhood Village potlucks and workshops, the Kits Village Recycling Depot, and a booth at the 25th Annual Strawberry Festival highlight our 40+ activities this month.
From beautiful and sunny days to needed rainy breaks, this has been a great start to an outdoor season filled with activities. Village is taking advantage of the great weather and we hope to see you at some of our great upcoming events!
What's New? Lots!!!
We‘re really excited about our bigger than ever 6th Annual Demonstration Sustainable Village at the Main Street Car Free Day Festival on June 21st! Always one of the highlights of Car Free Day, we'll be centred around the intersection at 13th and Main, and this year we're taking over a whole block. We’re looking for dozens of volunteers (and tents, tables, and chairs to borrow), and encourage you to join us for this engaging community event. As we go to press, there's still room for more groups and projects to display in the Village, so please get in touch if you're interested.
On Wednesday, June 24th, we're launching our latest Seed Sharing Library. The Mt. Pleasant Seed Library is a collaboration between Village and Mt. Pleasant Branch VPL. The launch also features a Plant Swap.
Both Garden parties and Neighbourhood Village Potlucks abound during the month, including a couple of work parties at our Aberthau Garden Project Permaculture Demonstration Garden on the 13th and 27th. You can share some good food and conversation with your neighbours at partner organization West End Neighbourhood Food Network’s June Community Potluck on the 14th, and participate in a book and clothing swap at Commercial Drive Village's monthly potluck on the 18th, while June 12th features another Drop-in Spaghetti Night in Village Burnaby.
In Off Beat News, you can learn how to create a 3D digital tree and hear about the latest Gravity Light Project. We'd also like to remind you that you can support Village by purchasing books through our partner program with New Society Publishers. More details can be found in What's New.
And in Transition News, Transition Network is looking for inspiring stories for the climate talks in Paris this winter.
Grab your friends and let’s make the most of this beautiful season with Village Vancouver!
See you there!
Your June Newsletter Team,
Aska Djikia, Liz Gosselin, Ross Moster, Bonita Jo Magee, and Simone Hoedel
Become a Society Member Today
Join the Village Vancouver Transition Society! The membership fee is based on a sliding scale (suggested dues are $25) and it helps us develop this Village and its community. Your annual membership will make our movement even stronger! It's easy to
join here.
100 in 1 Day Vancouver
100 in 1 Day Vancouver, an annual and global civic engagement festival, returns on June 6 with a promise: small actions equal big change. Village Vancouver is pleased to be a Community Partner for 100 in 1 Day Vancouver and will also be hosting eleven events in Vancouver and Burnaby. Currently in its second year in Vancouver, this growing movement aims to change how people interact with their cities by connecting citizens in leading and joining small but powerful community interventions. In the past, 100 in 1 projects have ranged from beautifying the streets with urban gardens to meeting your neighbours in social events. The list of events this year - which numbers over 100 - includes a nature scavenger hunt, trash tunes, 100 love letters in 1 day, permaculture parties, sidewalk doodling, a Stanley Park clean-up, community potlucks, and much more!
Join thousands in Vancouver and surrounding areas and help spark change on June 6 – spread the word, participate in one or more of community projects, or pitch your own one-day intervention!
Click here to learn more about 100 in 1 Day Vancouver, follow their movement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or their Blog, and use the hashtag #100in1DayVan.
Presented by Evergreen.
Click here to learn more about 100 in 1 Day Vancouver, follow their movement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or their Blog, and use the hashtag #100in1DayVan.
VV 100 in 1 Day Activities
Join us anytime between 10am and 9pm on Saturday or Sunday at one or more of our 100 in 1 Day Interventions in Burnaby (North Burnaby Neighbourhood House) Kits (Green Streets Garden), Kits Point (Billy Bishop Legion Hall and elsewhere) Mt. Pleasant (Vancouver Public Library - Mt. Pleasant Branch), Strathcona/DTES (Cottonwood Community Garden), and the West End (West End Community Centre) for a wide range of activities, including gardening, permaculture, seed giveaways and seed saving, potlucks, a Food Scrap Drop Spot, Marpole Community Day, and more.
Saturday, June 6th VV- WE Neighbourhood Food Network- Recycling Alternative Food Scraps Drop Spot 10 am - noon West End Community Centre Every Saturday WENFN volunteers receive food scraps from hundreds of the 45,000 residents in the West End. The take since June 2012 now totals over 50 tonnes of food scraps scraps for composting to be recycled back into growing, also reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
VV Permaculture Plot Work Party 10 am - noon Cottonwood Community Garden
Join us for our weekly work party at our permaculture, DTES Neighbourhood House, Inner City Village, and herb spiral garden plots at Cottonwood Community Garden. It's fun, it's educational - no experience necessary, we teach you. VV Village Burnaby- North Burnaby Neighbourhood House Free seeds along with gardening and seed saving advice 10 am - 3:30 pm North Burnaby Neighbourhood House Free seeds and gardening advice as well as informing people about collaborative gardening opportunities in Burnaby. The aim is ultimately to promote self-reliant resilient communities that can work together and provide food for themselves.
VV Marpole-Oakridge Neighbourhood Food Network Booth at Marpole Community Day 11 am – 3 pm Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre Please join us at this family friendly neighbourhood festival.We'll have the Marpole-Oakridge Neighbourhood Food Network seed library there - you can get some free seeds for your garden or swap or donate some seeds - as well as information about Village Vancouver and the Food Network (which is sponsored by Village Vancouver).
VV Seed Savers Work Party 3:30 - 6:30 pm Kits Point, RSVP to for address We've folded over 2,000 seed packets for our Seed Libraries at our previous work parties, and have been busy filling them with seeds. New volunteers welcome and you don't need to know anything about seed saving to help! A potluck follows at 6:30.
Are you interested in helping maintain and stock our seed libraries? Assisting in producing a seed saving brochure? Helping promote or learning more about the benefits of seed saving? If so, we invite you to get involved with VV Seed Savers.
VV Community Potluck
6:30 - 9 pm Kits Point, RSVP to for address Share some good food, drink and conversation, including food freshly picked from the garden. Bring something yummy to share.
Sunday, June 7th
VV Kits Permaculture Blitz
10 am - 4 pm Kits Point, RSVP to for address
Join us for a Permaculture Blitz Day - a fun and educational KitsBlitz "barnraising" work party where we'll transform a space using Permaculture design principles. Up to 25 people at a time have participated in past VV garden blitzes in various neighbourhoods around Vancouver over the last four years.. Last year we restored and expanded a medicinal, herbal, and pollinator attractant garden on 100 in 1 day, and more recently, we created a demonstration permaculture site at the Aberthau Garden Project.
Part 1 of a 2 part blitz, this garden party will be held in a yard near Cornwall and Arbutus, where we'll be re-designing an existing garden. (Part 2 date take part on July 4) Everyone's welcome and no experience is necessary. Potluck Lunch - please bring something to share.
VV Kits Village Green Streets Garden Work Party
4 - 5 pm Kits, RSVP to for address
Weekly garden party at our Green Streets Garden. New volunteers welcome.
VV Kits Village Collaborative Garden Work Party
5 pm - 7:30 pm Billy Bishop Legion Hall
Weekly garden party. Our 5th year growing food together at The Billy Bishop Legion Hall. New volunteers welcome, no experience necessary. A potluck follows at 7:30.
VV Community Potluck 7:30 - 9 pm Kits Point, RSVP to for address Share some good,food, drink and conversation, including food freshly picked from the garden. Bring something yummy to share.
Car Free Day 2015 - June 20 and 21st
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Photo credit: thirteencentpinball via Flickr |
This year marks the 11th anniversary of Car Free Day in Vancouver and we’ve got tonnes of family friendly, community fun in store!
Car Free Day celebrates the vibrancy of Vancouver’s diverse neighbourhoods by organizing a multi-site annual arts and culture festival that reclaims traffic thoroughfares as community-focused public spaces allowing residents, artists, performers, artisans, non-profits and businesses to interact, engage and re-imagine spaces normally reserved for vehicle traffic.
The festival began 11 years ago on Commercial Drive as a response to the provincial government’s Port Mann/Highway 1 Improvement Project. The idea was to reclaim the streets and oppose highway expansion and more traffic. Today, we still believe that fewer cars equals more community. This year Car Free Day will occur in four Vancouver neighbourhoods and the concept has expanded to three cities in B.C. and three local high schools.
On Saturday June 20 and Sunday, June 21, there's no better place to be than Car Free Vancouver Day. On Commercial Dr (Venables to N Grandview) on the 21st, Denman St (Robson to Davie) in the West End on the 20th, all over Kits (block parties) on the 20th and 21st, and Main St (Broadway to 30th - 20+ blocks!) on the 21st, the streets come alive with literally hundreds of thousands of engaged, happy people.
VV 6th Annual Demo Sustainable Transition Village at Main St. Car Free Day
One of the highlights of Car Free Day is our Demo Sustainable Neighbourhood Transition Village. (Now there's a mouthful!) This year we're taking over a whole block, including most of 12th-13th Ave. and the intersection at 13th and Main.

Our 30+ tent and open space Village highlights our work cultivating community resilience, as well as the work of other community groups and social enterprises, and typically includes things like neighbourhood villages, bees, chickens, solar panels, seed libraries + seedling giveaways, Transition Towns, permaculture, local/sharing economy resources, member projects, placemaking, native edibles, homesteading, GMO info, community DIY, neighbourhood food networks, drop-in spaghetti nights, potlucks, dinner groups, asset mapping, gardening/urban ag, growing advice, community/collaborative gardens, green spaces, composting display, emergency prep, recycling, bike maintenance, imagining possibilities for a better future, a library, refreshments, a hospitality suite, lots of FUN AND CELEBRATION and more.
We invite other community groups to join us. Forming an important part of the village will be loads of other groups (many of whom we partner with). As we go to press, 2015 groups are still being confirmed - past groups have included Just Say Hello, Kits Space Project, SPEC, False Creek Watershed Society, The HUB, MODO, SPUD, Vancouver. Neighbourhood Food Networks, Cottonwood Community Garden, Vancouver Urban Farmers Society, 2 Block Diet, Vancouver Renewable Energy Co-op, Mt. Pleasant Neighbourhood House, LocoMotoArt, Blessed Bees, Madame Beespeaker, Daily Eggs, Homesteaders Emporium, PosAbilities, Can You Dig It, O.U.R. Ecovillage, E.A.R.T.H. Native Edibles, Langara College, GE Free BC, Grant's Gourmet Gardens,Museaum of Vancouver, Community Arts Council, Zero Waste Vancouver, Bat House info, Sun Dog clotheslines, Bike Trailers, etc.
Lots of volunteers needed. If you'd like to help, check out our Volunteers section. We're also looking to borrow more tents.
See you there!
Mt. Pleasant Seed Library Launches June 24th
Village Vancouver and the Mt. Pleasant Branch of the Vancouver Public Library are teaming up to bring you the Mt. Pleasant Seed Sharing Library. Join us on Wednesday, June 24th for the official launch of the Library. Pick up some free seeds for your garden or swap or donate seeds or plants, learn how the Seed Library works, and meet fellow gardeners and seed savers. All ages welcome.
Click here for more information.
Village Vancouver and the Mt. Pleasant Branch of the Vancouver Public Library are teaming up to bring you the Mt. Pleasant Seed Sharing Library. Join us on Wednesday, June 24th for the official launch of the Library. Pick up some free seeds for your garden or swap or donate seeds or plants, learn how the Seed Library works, and meet fellow gardeners and seed savers. All ages welcome.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
WE Neighbourhood Food Network June Potluck, Strawberry and Car Free Day Festival booths, and other Summer Activities
Yum! Come on over to the West End Community Centre on Sunday, June 14th from 1–2:30 pm and share some great food and conversation with your neighbours. Bring some food or drink to share and a cup, bowl, spoon, etc. if you're able to, and find out the latest with the West End Neighbourhood Food Network and also Village Vancouver. Everyone's welcome to join us!
We'll have the WENFN seed library present, and you can get some free seeds for your garden or swap or donate some seeds.
On Saturday, June 13th, WENFN and Village will be sharing a booth at the Strawberry Festival, and the following Saturday (June 20th), we'll be sharing a booth at the West End Car Free Day Festival - more chances to secure some seeds and find out what we're up to.
WENFN is sponsored by Gordon Neighbourhood House. Other WENFN Summer activities and more details can be found below and on our website at
New Society Publishers
Summer is here! Time to garden, and also time to sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. Check out the latest gardening titles offered by our partner, New Society Publishers. Whether you like to flip through a hardcopy or swipe across you favourite e-reader (e-books available!), there are books for all levels of gardeners, and other green pursuits. Your purchase also helps Village Vancouver, with 15% of sales donated back to VV.
Off Beat News
1 Heart, 1 Tree (Kickstarter)

Create a unique digital 3-D tree using your own pulse, captured by your cell phone, as the life force. For every digital tree created, a real one gets planted as part of one of the many reforestation programs around the world. Follow your real tree's progress through reports and a Google Earth file. [Details]
GravityLight2 Project (Indiegogo)

VV Volunteer Sunday
This month's VV Volunteer Sunday falls on June 21st - Car Free Day. we invite you to join us at our Demo Sustainable Village -- see Call Out for volunteers and tents... for more details.Call out for volunteers and tents for VV Demo Village at Main St. Car Free Day Sunday, June 21st
If you have have tables, chairs or tents we can borrow, send us an email at
If you're a group or individual who would like to promote/display a community project, group, or activity you're involved with, or for general inquiries, contact
Seed Packet Parties!
Want to get more involved with VV Seed Savers??
Are you interested in helping maintain and stock our seed libraries? Assisting in producing a seed saving brochure? Helping promote or learning more about the benefits of seed saving? If so, we invite you to get involved with VV Seed Savers.
21 Stories for COP21
In the run-up to COP21, the Paris climate talks this December, Transition Network is searching for the 21 most inspiring stories from throughout the Transition movement to share with the world. Transition Network is going to celebrate the remarkable thing Transition has become: a quiet revolution.
This announcement originally appears in the current Transition US Newsletter.
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House
Jun 3 - How to Improve Wet Garden Zones
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Jun 4 - 25 - Capturing Summer with Watercolour
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Jun 6 - 100 in 1 Day Vancouver
June 6 - VV 100 in 1 Day Interventions (11 so far!)
WE Community Centre, Cottonwood Community Garden, North Burnaby Neighbourhood House, Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre, Mt. Pleasant VPL, Billy Bishop Legion Hall, and other locations
June 6 - 27 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #1: West End June Food Scrap Drop Spots w/WE Neighbourhood Food Network & Recycling Alternative
West End Community Centre
June 6 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #2: Village Burnaby - North Burnaby Neighbourhood House Free Seeds along with gardening and Seed saving advice
North Burnaby Neighborhood House
June 6 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #3: Permaculture Plot work party
Cottonwood Community Garden
Jun 6 - Village Vancouver 100 in 1 Day Intervention #4: VV Marpole Neighbourhood Food Network Booth at Marpole Community Day
Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre
June 6 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #5: VV-Mt. Pleasant VPL Seed Sharing Library!
Mt. Pleasant Branch Vancouver Public Library
June 6 - Pollinator Walk and music dance celebration
Start at the Carnegie reading room at 1pm, at Hastings Urban Farm by 1.45pm
June 6 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #6: Seed Savers volunteer work party (filling seed packets)
June 6 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #7: Community Potluck
June 7 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #8: Kits Permaculture Blitz
June 7 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #9: Kits Village Green Streets garden work party
June 7 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #10: Kits Village Collaborative Garden Work Party @ The Billy Bishop Legion Hall
June 7 - Kits Village Dinner Group #2: June Gathering
June 7 - VV 100 in 1 Day Intervention #11: Community Potluck
June 8 - SFU Philosophers' Café: Food Security
The Gathering Place
June 10 - Planning Meeting for VV Demo Sustainable Village at Main St. Car Free Day
June 10 - VV Admin Working Group Meeting
June 12 - Responding to Abrupt Climate Change, with Guy McPherson
Heartwood Cafe
June 12 - Burnaby Village Drop-in "Spaghetti" Night Willingdon Hastings Area
North Burnaby
June 13 - Native Tree ID Workshop
VanDusen Botanical Garden
June 13 - Flower Photography
VanDusen Botanical Garden
June 13 - Aberthau Garden Project: VV Demo Permaculture Garden work party and potluck
Aberthau Mansion garden
June 13 - Seedy Saturday: Engaging Kids with Gardening
Vancouver Public Library - Kensington branch
June 13 - Kits Village Green Streets garden work party
June 14 - VV Permaculture Plot work party
Cottonwood Community Garden
June 14 - West End Neighbourhood Food Network June Community Potluck
West End Community Centre, Barclay Room
June 14 - Mason Bees and Cherry Trees: Feeding our Urban Pollinators
Britannia Community Centre
June 14 - Kits Village Collaborative Garden Work Party
June 14 - VV Seed Savers volunteer work party (filling seed packets)
June 14 - Kits Village June Potluck
Kits, near beach
June 17 - Passionate about Perennials
VanDusen Botanical Garden
June 18 - Kits Village June Plastic Recycling Depot
June 18 - Rapt in Nature Garden Walk
VanDusen Botanical Garden
June 18 - Commercial Drive VV Pot Luck & Book/Clothing Swap!
Rising Star Co-op
June 19 - VV Transition Society June Board of Directors Meeting
June 20 - Bokeh Photography Basics
VanDusen Botanical Garden
June 20 - VV Permaculture Plot work party
Cottonwood Community Garden
June 20 - VV-WE Neighbourhood Food Network Booth at WE Car Free Day Fest
June 20 - Kits Village Green Streets garden work party
June 20 - A conversation: Nature Empathy, how to build empathy for nature in our urban environment
The Roundhouse Community Centre Theatre
June 20 - Kits Village Collaborative Garden Work Party
June 21 - IMAGINING YOUR IDEAL NEIGHBOURHOOD: CULTIVATING COMMUNITY RESILIENCE -- 6th Annual VV Demo Sustainable Transition Village at Main St. Car Free Day Fest
Intersection at Main and 13th and spillover towards 12th
June 21 - Village Vancouver Volunteer Sunday
Main St. Car Free Day
June 23 - See the City GREEN - Vancouver Herb Walk Series
June 24 - Natural Medicines & Salves Workshop
Trout Lake Community Centre
June 24 - Mt. Pleasant Seed Sharing Library Launch and Plant Swap!
Mt. Pleasant Branch Vancouver Public Library
June 25 - VV Admin Working Group Meeting
June 27 - Permaculture Design Course @ UBC Farm 2015
UBC Farm and Bioregion
June 27 - Aberthau Garden Project: VV Demo Permaculture Garden work party and potluck
Aberthau Mansion garden
June 28 - VV Permaculture Plot work party
Cottonwood Community Garden
June 28 - Kits Village Green Streets garden work party
June 28 - Kits Village Collaborative Garden Work Party
June 28 - VV Seed Savers volunteer work party (filling seed packets) and potluck
June 28 - Kits Village Dinner Group #1 June Gathering
June 29 - VV Seed Savers June Meeting and potluck
July 2 - VV tabling/seed library/beekeeping library/community garden signup at the Westside Community Food Market
Kits Neighbourhood House
July 4 - Kits Permaculture Blitz (part 2)
July 5 - VV Permaculture Plot work party
Cottonwood Community Garden
July 5 - Kits Village Green Streets garden work party
July 5 - Kits Village Collaborative Garden Work Party
July 6 - Yoga for Seniors
VanDusen Botanical GardenVancouver
July 7 - Main St. Village Vancouver Monthly Potluck and Workshop
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House CANCELLED
July 8 - VV July Admin Working Group Meeting
July 8 - Design an Attractive and Useful Herb Garden
VanDusen Botanical Garden
July 9 - VV tabling/seed library/beekeeping library/community garden signup at the Westside Community Food Market
Kits Neighbourhood House
July 11 - Know your Bees of BC
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Stay Updated on Upcoming Events
The most up-to-date calendar of upcoming events!