Village Vancouver Newsletter
and Calendar of Events
October 2013
Welcome to the October 2013 edition of the Village Vancouver newsletter and Calendar of Events.
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Connecting for systems change: this month's theme! |
A particularly strong theme this month is the economy and systems - in particular, how we can build an economy and systems for an enduring society. On September 30th, Village Vancouver co-sponsored an event hosted by SFU Public Square called "Connected Local Economies", with renowned community economist Michael Shuman. On October 5th, Village Vancouver will be livestreaming talks by Transition founder Rob Hopkins, Paul Hawken, biomimicrist Janine Benyus and other luminaries as part of the Where do we go from here? world conference in New York. 10 days later, Living the New Economy - another Village Vancouver partner event - kicks off with 6 whole days filled with 24 individual events (including a workshop and opening keynote by City Repair founder Mark Lakeman) all designed to bring people together to learn how we can begin transforming our economy and society together. On October 18th, Village Vancouver will once again host renowned speaker and blogger Nicole Foss, who is on tour with New Zealand New Economy pioneer Lawrence Boomert to speak about how we can build more resilient, community-based economies (watch for more details soon).
Meanwhile, Village Vancouver will be co-sponsoring a couple events at the West End Food Festival at Gordon Neighbourhood House from Oct 4-7, including a panel, Is Food a Right? A Panel on Issues Around Access to Food on October 7th. This is immediately followed by the 2013 Sustenance Festival, which opens with Village Vancouver's fourth edition of its zero-waste Neighbour Savour potluck on October 8th and closes on October 22 with From Here to There: Cultivating a Lighter Footprint (another Village event together with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and Museum of Vancouver) furthers an ongoing exploration into how we can reduce the energy dependency of our food systems. And speaking of zero waste, the annual Zero Waste conference is also taking place in Vancouver this month, on October 16th. If you are into systems change, this is your month!
In this newsletter:
- Village Vancouver livestreams Hopkins, Hawkens, Benyus and others Oct 5!
- Village Vancouver presents: Neighbour Savour IV!
- West End Food Festival Oct 4-7
- Sustenance Festival 2013
- Village Vancouver Transition Society 2013 AGM
- Mark Lakeman returns to Vancouver October 15th!
- Living the New Economy: 24 awesome events over 6 days to catalyse connections and collaboration to build a new economy
- Nicole Foss returns to Vancouver with Laurence Boomert
- From Here to There 4: Cultivating a Lighter Footprint
- An Inner Guide to Global Warming
- Vancouver Storytellers evening of storytelling in Kitsilano
Enjoy all that this month has to offer!
Your October newsletter team,
Your October newsletter team,
Jordan, Sharon and Ross
Oct. 5 - Village Vancouver livestreams Rob Hopkins, Paul Hawken, Janine Benyus and others at Where do we go from here? World Conference
October 5, 11am-3pm
Langara College 100 W 49 Ave., Theatre A136a ("A" building, close to main entrance and cafeteria)
Village Vancouver presents: Neighbour Savour IV!
If you've been to any of Village Vancouver's three previous editions of Neighbour Savour, you know that it is by far the biggest crowdsourced, crowdshared feast in Vancouver, with hundreds of people sharing their favourite dishes while enjoying conversation, music and other fun activites.
What's more, this is Zero Waste event - you won't even see a trash can, because this entire feast is designed not to send anything to the landfill. How do we do it? Well, you'll have to come and see for yourself!
West End Food Festival Oct. 4-7
Gordon Neighbourhood House is hosting its first
ever West End Food Festival!
Our focus is creating stronger neighbourhood connections
through creative options for healthy and sustainable food. With creative
playtime for the kids, a chance to sample food from an array of West-end chefs,
a tour of community gardens, Food Jeopardy, cookbook swaps, live music and so
much more, the West-end Food Festival will have something for everyone! And if discussing
and taking action on food security in the West End interests you, you’ll want
to catch our Panel Discussion featuring a variety of community activists on the
frontlines of right to food issues!
This is a chance for us to get connected with
each other, and some exceptional resources on the West-End. So look out for our
upcoming events schedule, and come on out to meet your neighbours and discover
some of the West End’s hidden gems!
WHEN: Friday, October 4th
– Monday, October 7th
WHERE: Gordon Neighbourhood
House – 1019 Broughton Street (From Oct 4th – 6th)
Central Presbytarian Church –
1155 Thurlow Street (Oct 7th)
Village Vancouver is one of the Sponsors of the Monday, October 7th Panel Is Food A Right? A Panel on Issues Around Access to Food
6:30-8pm, Gordon Neighbourhood House - FREE
6:30-8pm, Gordon Neighbourhood House - FREE
Info and registration at
Join us for an evening of thought- provoking discussion on issues of food insecurity. Panel participants represent a wide spectrum of people, from activists to food providers.
Brought to you by Gordon Neighbourhood House, West End Neighbourhood Food Network, and Village Vancouver.
Roundhouse Community Centre + many other locations
The 5th annual Sustenance Festival is a celebration which reflects local and global intersections of art, culture, food, and sustainability. Based at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, Sustenance is a city-wide festival with satellite activities at community centres throughout Vancouver.
Village Vancouver has played a significant part in the annual Sustenance Festival in past years, and this year is no exception! As you will see in this newsletter, VV is kicking the festival off on October 8th with the 4th edition of our massive Neighbour Savour zero-waste potluck at Heritage Hall. It is also one of the main organisers alongside the Vancouver Food Policy Council of the closing event at the Museum of Vancouver: From Here to There: Cultivating a Lighter Footprint.
In between, Village Vancouver will be hosting workshops on Backyard Chickens 101 with Duncan Martin (October 10th) and Canning and Preserving with Caitlin Dorward (October 21) at Strathcona Community Centre, Beginner's and Advanced Seed Saving at Mt Pleasant Community Centre, a Marpole Neighbourhood Food Network potluck and visioning session on October 19 at the Marpole Place Neighbourhood House, and a Bike Maintenance workshop on October 20th. Look for us and our Seed Library at the garden tours on October 15th and 17th, as well as at Krazy Kale on the 17th.
We hope to see you at the Roundhouse or in your neighbourhood!
Village Vancouver 2013 Annual General Meeting - October 9, 2013
Dear Village Vancouver Transition Society Members,
Our 2013 Transition Society AGM is just around the corner, and we invite you to join us for the potluck and meeting!
Wednesday, October 9th at Langara College in Room B144, 100 West 49th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6.
Our 2013 Transition Society AGM is just around the corner, and we invite you to join us for the potluck and meeting!
Wednesday, October 9th at Langara College in Room B144, 100 West 49th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6.
Potluck at 7 pm.
AGM at 7:30pm.
Please RSVP to
As always, there's lot's happening in Village - over 300 activities, projects and other undertakings a year, including. over the next few weeks, events with Michael Shuman (Sept 30), and Nicole Foss and Laurence Boomert (Oct 18), and livestreaming Transition Network co-founder Rob Hopkins, Paul Hawken, and Janine Benyus from New York (Oct 5).
Our Neighbour Savour 4 community potluck for 300+ at Heritage Hall kicks off the Sustenance Festival on October 8, and From Here to There 4: Cultivating a Lighter Footprint closes the festival on October 22. In between, we're running several workshops (Chickens, Paper Reduction, Bike Maintenance, Seed Saving, Canning) and other activities, and we're also a partner in Living the New Economy (Oct 15-20).
We'll be discussing where we've been, where we're at, and where we're going, and electing a new Board of Directors. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. If you joined more than a year ago, it may be time for you to renew your membership, and you can do so here, or at the AGM prior to the start of the meeting. If you're not sure whether you need to renew your membership, please contact
Members are eligible to run for the board in accordance with our bylaws. If you have any questions, please contact
The Agenda will include a Report from the Board, Financials, Election of Board members, Setting of member dues, and more.
Village runs on people power and we look forward to your participation and to having some fun!
Be well,
Ross Moster
Village Vancouver Transition Society
on behalf of the VVTS Board of Directors
Village runs on people power and we look forward to your participation and to having some fun!
Be well,
Ross Moster
Village Vancouver Transition Society
on behalf of the VVTS Board of Directors
Mark Lakeman returns to Vancouver! - October 15th
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Mark Lakeman |
If you missed Mark Lakeman's (founder of Portland's City Repair) inspiring placemaking workshop in Vancouver in March 2011, here is your chance to make up for it!
Village Vancouver is a proud community sponsor of Mark Lakeman's upcoming workshop on October 15th from 2:30-5pm at Performance Works Theatre, Granville Island - part of the Living the New Economy 6-day confluence of events (Oct 15-20).
After working for several years in the 1980′s as a lead designer of large scale corporate projects, in the 1989 Mark embarked on a series of cultural immersion projects with numerous indigenous societies in order to derive place-making patterns which could be applied to urban settings in the United States. These patterns include broad participation, local ownership, and transference of authority to local populations, creative expression in planned and unplanned processes, and social capital as the primary economic engine of change.
As the founder of City Repair and the annual Village Building Convergence in Portland, Mark Lakeman is a pioneer in placemaking who has been directly involved in or has indirectly inspired countless community-enhancing projects in Portland and beyond, including here in Vancouver.
In Mark's workshop, you will learn about the keys to transforming mundane spaces into places where community can happen, and why the social capital that we build in our communities is the most important ingredient for positive change. This is not to be missed - you never know when you will get another chance!
Registration: Tickets only $35, available at Readers of this newsletter can use the coupon code "village" to receive 10% off your ticket purchase! Members of Village Vancouver Transition Society: write to to find out how to get 30% off!
Can't make it during the day? You can also catch Mark at the Living the New Economy Opening Night on October 15th at 7pm, where he will be a keynote speaker alongside filmmaker Ian MacKenzie (Occupy Love)! See for more details.
Village Vancouver is a proud partner of
Living the New Economy
Oct 15 - 20, 2013
Performance Works Theatre, Granville Island
Come to connect, collaborate and create at the 6-day confluence of people and ideas towards an economy as if people and the planet matter.
We're talking about connections. Increasingly critical connections to make is that of the pedal to the metal, and the rubber to the road. It is no longer enough simply to talk about the things we can do to positively transform our economy; we must get together and DO them. That's what Living the New Economy is all about.
An exciting line up of events includes:
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Mark Lakeman, founder of Portland's City Repair |
- Mark Lakeman, founder of Portland's City Repair
- Ian Mackenzie, new paradigm film director/producer and a screening of his new film, Reactor (Occupy Love, Sacred Economics)
- Collaboration from the Heart, with radical permaculture educator and community organiser Erin Innes
- Indigenous Leadership and Perspectives on the New Economy
- Generative Change for a New Economy, with Tam Lundy
- Ashoka Canada Changemaker Showcase, with Groundswell Grassroots Economic Alternatives
- Friday night "meshworking": Changemakers' Night Out Volume III
- Leading through Collaboration: Facing Ecological Contraints Beyond the Here and Now
- Live crowdfunding
- Workshops and dialogues on community currencies, financing the new economy, collaborative platforms, shared spaces, storytelling, and more!
Tickets and Passes are now ON SALE!
Click here to get your tickets now and take advantage of early bird offers.
Will you help us build a rogue wave that will give the ideas of living the new economy momentum? Here's what you can do RIGHT NOW:
1. Take a look at our programme and buy tickets to the events that excite you!
2. Join our Facebook event follow Living the New Economy on Twitter @LNEyvr - invite your friends!
Nicole Foss and Lawrence Boomert Lecture: Revitalized Communities as the Pathway to Facing Approaching Limits and Building a New Society - October 18
October 18, 7pm-9pm
Langara College, Theatre 136a (near entrance to "A" building and cafeteria)
By donation.
We are approaching many limits to growth over the next several decades, and are consequently facing many challenges in our immediate future. Finance, energy, environment, resources and climate will all impact on the single-minded, one-dimensional trajectory human society has been taking in our era of growth imperative. Our current path is unsustainable. It cannot and will not continue, so we must adapt our societies in order to build a new future.
Village Vancouver, the Vancouver Food Policy Council and the Museum of Vancouver present
From Here to There 4:
Cultivating a Lighter Footprint
What is the future of food in Vancouver, especially as cheap energy sources peak and climate change intensifies? In partnership with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and Village Vancouver Transition Society, MOV is pleased to host an interactive evening of presentations, discussion, and visioning from local innovators, practitioners, and community members that encourage people to think about our local circumstances and how we can map a course for change here in Vancouver.
Focusing on the 'Top 5' biggest potential Footprint-reducing contributions provided by the Greenest City Lighter Footprint "Feet to the Fire" committee, From Here to There 4 will explore effective actions we can take to reduce our carbon footprint, especially as cheap energy sources peak and climate change intensifies.
From Here to There Part Four is presented in special collaboration with the Sustenance Festival. Now in its fourth year, the Sustenance Festival is an evolving platform for community groups, artists and people interested to learn more about Vancouver’s Food Landscape to come together, share information, eat and have fun!
From Here to There Part Four is presented in special collaboration with the Sustenance Festival. Now in its fourth year, the Sustenance Festival is an evolving platform for community groups, artists and people interested to learn more about Vancouver’s Food Landscape to come together, share information, eat and have fun!
Date: October 22, 2013
Time: 6:00pm (registration/doors), 6:30pm (presentations/dialogue)
Refreshments and mingling to follow
Admission: By donation, with proceeds supporting MOV and future public dialogues.
More details and registration here:
An Inner Guide to Global Warming - October 26
Something inside us has to shift!
Viewing images of the recent flooding in Colorado, Calgary or High River, WAS THERE A MOMENT when you swore to do whatever it takes to assure a safe and secure future for yourself and the people you love?
Millions of people felt this way!
Only a fraction will follow through!!
An Inner Guide to Global Warming brings us in touch with our power and our light. We’ll find awe and beauty in the magic within us and our surroundings while experiencing inspiration, stimulation and joy. The patterns and beliefs that are holding us back from mounting successful campaigns like the Victory Gardens of WWII will begin to dissolve.
An Inner Guide to Global Warming shares a practical and compelling vision of the pathway towards low-carbon living that empowers us to access MORE of what we want most (better health, richer community, more nutritious food, more leisure time, greater wealth for all), while gracefully shifting our entire civilisation away from Carbon Dependence and towards Carbon Freedom.
During this four-hour-workshop you’ll learn how to:
- Recognise your reactive responses so that they no longer stand in the way of effective action;
- Make sense of individual and group behavior that is harmful to society at large;
- Determine when letting go will serve you better than holding on to experiences, beliefs, ideas and objects;
- Transmute your fears so that they begin to serve as your gateway to empowerment;
- Develop a greater trust in your ability to make a meaningful difference.
Special Guests:
Victoria-based Poet and Improv Artist, Kim Goodliffe, will be sharing some of her special skills and talents -
Listen to a heartful first-hand report from the frontlines of Global Warming in flooded Alberta, BC, shared by our second guest.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!You'll get a 100% refund if you are not fully satisfied with the value you receive. You must attend the workshop to be eligible for a refund.
Register here:
Light snacks and drinks will be provided.
This event is associated with Living the New Economy. Living the New Economy Connector Pass holders are eligible for a $10 discount when they register for An Inner Guide to Global Warming.
On the 3rd Sunday of each month from October to May the Vancouver Storytellers host an evening of storytelling in Kitsilano.
First of this season! Sunday, October 20th at 7 pm:
Listen! Laugh! Enjoy! Stories for You!Man v whale: Suicide or Sushi
Hear: acclaimed Ottawa teller, Dean Verger, tell the story of Moby Dick.
Theme……. Moving Heaven and Earth.
Emerging tellers…Jeannette Campbell and Nadine Pluzak
Time…7pm on October 20th
Cost….$6 includes tea; treats by your donation
Contact… Mary Gavan 604-683-1575
Where…Main Floor - St Mark’s1805 Larch/ 2nd Ave, Kits; parking